Anita East
2 min readOct 3, 2023


So, which skin treatment is best for me?

Wow, there are SO many incredible machines, treatments, and devices out there; how do you decide which treatment is best for you?

I mean, it’s hard for me to decide what to bring into my clinic and offer to you. I can only imagine how hard it is for you to decide. Especially if the accounts you follow on socials are always marketing new treatments.

A question I ask myself is;

“So if this is the best skin treatment this month, why last month was another treatment marketed as the best??”

Consistency in all things is key, especially when it seems like a new beauty fad is being released almost daily.

This is why I like to do what the skin gurus I respect, like James Vivian, do. They sit back and see how a fad plays out. The marketing hype here in Australia and from what I’ve seen globally has very little regulation around it. The evidence being sprouted tends to be anecdotal or, at best, endorsed by a celebrity or other. But as health care professionals and skin clinicians, we need to critically anaylise the high-level research papers that test the evidence that a particular treatment does what the marketing says it does.

Skin gurus I respect choose treatments that will benefit the greater good. Meaning, that they’ll only introduce treatments and machines that they know over 90% of their patients will get amazing results from. Anita East Medispa is ALL about this. Patients will sometimes ask us if a particular treatment they’ve seen marketed is any good.

Our response is always;

“If we don’t offer that treatment yet, it’s because we’re yet to be convinced it’s the game changer that ALL of our patients need.”

Skin tightening, Radio Frequency, Fat shrinking, Laser, IPL, Needling, Skin Peeling, Dermaplaning… these are just some of the treatments I see being marketed heavily. If we believe in them, we offer them to our patients. If we don’t, then you won’t see them in our clinic.

In the past, I have been sucked in by skin fads. I’ve bought extremely expensive pieces of capital equipment or skin treatment systems only to see them sit unused in the corner of my clinic because there were so few patients who could benefit from the treatment

Remember ~ Fads come, and fads go. When all the glitz, glamour, and hype is over, only those treatments that work will remain standing.

Watch the full podcast here

#SkinCare #Beauty #TreatmentsThatWork #RF #Radiofrequency #laser #IPL #fatshrinking #peels #Dermaplaning #skintightening



Anita East

Anita has performed over 18,000 cosmetic medicine treatments worldwide. She is an international Best Selling author for her book, Beautiful Unique Faces.