The Power of Mindful Decision-Making in Cosmetic Injectables

Anita East
3 min readJul 25, 2023

Making impulsive decisions based on our internal state can often result in negative consequences. This is especially true when we are feeling unhappy or stressed. In these situations, we are more likely to make rash decisions that can create even more problems, leading to further stress and dissatisfaction with life.

I see this in the world of COSMETIC INJECTABLES ALL THE TIME. This is how.

  1. Social media a) — A patient watches someone have their lips, cheeks, jawline, and chin done and the accompanying gushing post saying how much happier they are now!
  2. Social media b) — An injectable clinic publishes a reel or BEFORE and AFTER post of a patient. It shows them before the treatment and after the treatment. The accompanying caption by the clinic states how “tired and unattractive” their patient was before the treatment they did and how much “more beautiful and happier” they are after the treatment. Next is a barrage of comments from other injectors, patients and followers agreeing with how much “better, hotter, more beautiful” the person looks. Some even comment that the patient is lucky to have found the injector. All of this was taken from an actual clinic post :-((
  3. In clinic — the clinician points out ‘all’ the things that are “wrong with your face” and conveniently tells you the treatments that can “fix” them and make you look “better”. Some refer to this as being broken down by the injector purely so they can put you back together by making you buy the treatment they are selling you. I had a patient tell me the other day that this happened to them. She was sobbing once the injector had finished telling her how “bad” her face was. The injector then told the poor woman all the treatments she could have to help her and make her “look better”. 45 minutes and 10mls of filler later, the poor woman was sore, very poor and hated the way she looked. In fact, she spent the next year trying to get rid of it all out of her face and go back to how she looked before the treatment.

So when you’re feeling down on your looks, be mindful of these things.

  1. What you see on social media IS NOT TRUE
  2. It is now illegal for Cosmetic Clinics to post these types of posts because the medicine and health care regulatory bodies of Australia who realise the danger these lies pose to the health of the public. Any clinicians still doing this, are happy to flout the laws meaning your health could be next.
  3. Any clinician who points out what is wrong with your face first, should change their tact. Pointing out what is most beautiful about your face first leads to better caring for our patients and enabling them to make better, more well-informed decisions. We can then look at ways that will support our patient’s Unique Facial Feature, not pull focus from it.
  4. You have a Unique Facial Feature that makes you uniquely beautiful. Before considering a treatment, ask your injector to identify your Unique Facial Feature. If they can’t, go to someone who can…or at the very least go to someone who can point out what is beautiful about your face, first.
  5. There are so many wonderful injectors out there, sometimes you just need to take your time in making your decision and never act on an impulse when you’re feeling low.

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Anita East

Anita has performed over 18,000 cosmetic medicine treatments worldwide. She is an international Best Selling author for her book, Beautiful Unique Faces.